Monday, November 15, 2010

Atlantic Pacific Mathletes

Congratulations to all students who wrote Round 1 of the Atlantic Pacific math Competition.  The grade 6 students completed the elementary portion of the contest while the 7th and 8th graders did the junior high/middle school section.


Our mathlete for grade 6 is Mitchell Spragg.  Mitchell got 4 correct answers!!  Honourable mentions go to the following students for having scored 3:  Phoebe Bicknell, Laura Fanjoy, Katie Vandenberghe, Taylor Price, Susanna Rich, Corbyn Allaby, Emma MacFarlane, Andrew Howe—well done!

Seventeen students answered 2 questions correctly and 51 students got one correct answer.


Our grade 7 mathletes are Kevin Doria and Eric Kim with 2 correct answers—congratulations!  Twenty-one 7th graders got one correct answer.


Our grade 8 mathletes are Abby Fredericks, Junhee Lee and Jacklyne Weng—they each had 3 correct responses!  Seven students answered 2 questions correctly and 47 students got one correct response.


Our mathletes will be notified when their trophies arrive.


Round 2 of the competition will take place on December 8.