UNICEF update - We have now collected $2400 for UNICEF which leaves us with $2 800 more to collect by next Friday. While some classes are doing a GREAT job helping out, some are doing very little. We are getting a lot of piggy banks back with nothing in them. PLEASE make a real effort to help us reach our goal.
Congratulations to Mme Audoux's class and to Mr Gallant's class for completing their puzzles. Five classes out of 28 have completed their puzzles and a few others are close to being done.
There are still some bags of popcorn left over from yesterday's sale. These will be sold at nutrition break today in front of Room 200 - All proceeds will go to UNICEF
Remember that tomorrow you can chew gum for $1 if you do so responsibly - Hand your loonie in to your teacher and he/she will put it in the piggy bank for UNICEF once your name has been checked off as having paid.
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