Important Busing Information...
Please be advised of the following clarifications...
Bus 43 will be an "express" bus to Devon Middle School so that students can transfer to the following buses -
#122 (Lower/Upper Durham, Route 628, Zionville)
#93 (Leslie St, Murray Ave, Veteran's Dr, AGMS)
#4 (St Mary's ST, Jaffery St, Watter's Dr, Greenwood Dr, Highway 10)
#35 (Kilarney Rd. Highland Hts, English Settlement, Lakewood Subdiv)
#118 (Canada St. Mason Av, Rte 8 to 382)
Take note - All of these buses do not come to NMS at all... Bus 43 takes you to Devon to Connect to them!
Bus 42 - This bus will drop students off at their stops from Brookside Dr all the way out to the Kilarney Rd. If you live in a subdivision or mobile home park off Brookside, take this bus!
Gary Gallant
Nashwaaksis Middle School
Fredericton, NB
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