We are planning for our yearly grade 8 celebration Luau on June 23
rd. This is a full day dedicated to our grade 8 students. They will have outdoor activities all morning then enjoy a barbeque at lunch time. After eating, they will be bused to Killarney Lake for an afternoon of swimming and return in time for regular buses. Students will then be invited back to the school for an evening celebration of dancing, food and games. We are looking for volunteers to help with the barbeque at 9:00, people to decorate starting at 1:00 p.m. and chaperones and helpers for the evening celebration. If you are interested in helping, please get in touch with Janice Macfarlane, Mary Martin or Cindy Chase, our co-chairs of the Friends of NMS. You can access their information on the Friends of NMS side of our school web page.
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